Snow White Illustrations

Free Pictures of Snow White by Famous Artists

This is a collection of free images of Snow White  from all over the world. As far as I know it's the largest selection of Public Domain pictures portraying one of the most popular fairy tale characters ever. And the dwarfs, of course.

Anne Anderson (1874-1952)

Source: Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, illustrated by Anne Anderson (The Children’s Press, Glasgow, 1933)

Richard Andre (1834-1907)

The scene of Snow White being alone in the wood comes from Grimm's fairy tales; retold in one-syllable words by Brothers Grimm, McLoughlin Brothers, New York, 1899.

Thekla Brauer (1856-1942)

Illustration of dwarfs and animals being awake by Snow White’s glass coffin comes from Funfzig Kinder und Hausmarchen, Verlag Otto Spamer, Leipzig, 1895.

John Dickson Batten (1860-1932)

This painting is titled Snowdrop and the Seven Little Men. Medium is tempera on gesso on canvas, made in 1897 and currently owned by the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Thomas Edward Donnison (1861-1907)

The picture (with text) above is actually the whole fairy tale condensed into just one page, as the well-known Irish comic artist saw it. The book with numerous similarly retold classics was published as Old Fairy Tales Told Anew by Raphael Tuck, London in 1900.

Warwick Goble (1862-1943)

Fairy tales coming from various parts of Europe were retold by Mrs Dinah Craik and Warwick Goble made 32 color plates for most of them.

The book is titled The Fairy Book: The Best Popular Fairy Stories Selected and Rendered Anew. It was first published by Macmillan and Co. Limited, London in 1913. Original in the solid condition is worth around 500 USD or even more.

Evelyn Stuart Hardy (1865-1935)

Paul Hey (1867-1952)

His specialty was creation of picture postcards with fairy tale motifs. Here are two:

Theodor Hosemann (1807-1875)


These pictures come from a very rare edition published on Island in 1852. It portrays a very delicate scene with supposedly Snow White’s heart being served to the evil queen. More about this version (with even more graphics) can be learned here.

Maud Humphrey (1868-1940)

Franz Juttner (1865-1925)

Willy Juttner (1886-1940)

Eugen Klimsch (1839-1896)

Otto Kubel (1868-1951)

William Henry Margetson (1861-1940)

Lothar Meggendorfer (1847-1925)

Paul Meyerheim (1842-1915)

Viktor Paul Mohn (1842-1911)

Jenny Nystrom (1854-1946)

Carl Offterdinger (1829-1889)


Zofia Plewinska-Smidowiczowa (1888-1944)

Noel Pocock (1878-1949)

Arthur Rackham (1867-1939)

Charles Robinson (1870-1937)

Harry Rountree (1878-1950)

Franziska Schenkel (1880-1945)

Jessie Willcox Smith (1863-1935)

Alexander Zick (1845-1907)

Walter Zweigle (1859-1904)

Do you want more? We will add more in the near future. bookmark this webpage and come back soon!


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