
The Frog King in Pictures

The Frog King - Free Pictures The Frog King is often (especially in English-speaking countries) titled The Frog Prince and sometimes (especially in Eastern Europe) The Princess and the Frog. Brothers Grimm, who put it as the number one in their iconic collection, subtitled it The Iron Henry, including the faithful servant in the spotlight. It's known in numerous variations with essentially the same plot. The princess plays with her favorite toy. It falls into the water, and the frog brings it back. In return, she promises to eat with him at the same table, play with the same toys, and sleep in the same bed. The bed was omitted in all later versions by the Grimms. They didn't want to see the tale as a growing-up story with a girl learning to see her future husband as a nice man but tried to focus on the importance of keeping one's promise. The importance of a given word is quite often in classic fairy tales, including Bluebeard and The Goose Maid. Anne Anderson (1874-1952) T

Red Riding Hood Images

Free Pictures of Red Riding Hood  Richard Andre (1834-1907) Richard Andre (his real name was William Roger Snow) illustrated this fairy tale on at least two occasions. The first picture comes from Grimm fairy tales made gay with a dozen stories and only one image from Red Riding Hood.   The next three illustrations are from the picture book. Honor Charlotte Appleton (1871-1951) The illustration below comes from Charles Perrault's Fairy Tales, published in 1919. Miss Appleton illustrated over 150 books during her lifetime! George Baxter (1804-1867) George Baxter was not 'just' an artist and printer. He was an inventor as well. He developed the first commercially sustainable color printing technique. While he managed to sell licenses to other printing companies he never gained financial success. He was too focused on perfection. For this reason, he was often too slow to deliver a finished project on time. Gertrud Caspari (1873-1943) Miss Caspari is credited as an inventor of